October 31, 2024Whole Health Learning in the Unfolding era of Whole Person Health Keeping Healthy Whole Kids Healthy: A Research Agenda? NIH’s “NCCIH Coalition on Whole Person Health” meeting Nov. 1 brought together innovative researchers and institutions now applying whole health principles to … Continue Reading
September 15, 2024Joining NIH’s NCCIH Coalition for Whole Person Health Whole Health for the Whole Child? WholeHealthED is serving on the steering committee of the…
June 24, 2020COVID-19: Resources and Webinar Collected COVID-19 school guidance resources • “Balancing Academics and Wellbeing:” a July webinar • Exciting new…
May 1, 2018RESEARCH: Fitness and the Brain If the brains of 70-year olds can be rejuvenated…how important is it for 7 year-olds…and…